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FHJC Albert & Temmy Latner Golf Classic

Please click the image above to download our registration form, or simply complete online below...

Each tee-off time will be separated by 10 minutes, beginning at 8:30am, with the last tee-off taking place at 1:10pm. Golfers may select their preferred tee-off time block (ie. early morning, late morning, early afternoon, late afternoon) during registration. Specific tee times will be released by the FHJC following the closing of registration. We will try our best to accommodate preferences, but we cannot guarantee you will receive your first choice.

Golfers may arrive 30 minutes prior to their tee-off time to use the driving range, practice green, and to register. Golfers that arrive earlier than 30 minutes prior to their tee-off time will be asked to remain in their vehicles. These measures have been put in place to limit crossover with other foursomes. 

Golfers with an early morning tee time (8:30 - 10:30 am) will be provided a boxed breakfast on their cart. Golfers teeing off after 10:30am will receive a boxed lunch on their cart. All players will receive a plated meal following their round of golf, which can be enjoyed on the outdoor patio behind the clubhouse (90 minute maximum). Players may also use this time to participate in our raffle and closed-bid silent auction, which will be displayed inside the pavilion.

There will be no other evening program this year. 

Lastly, all players must wear a non-medical mask or face covering when entering any building - including the pavilion. Shower facilities in the locker rooms will not be available.

Please complete the registration form below to participate in this year's Albert & Temmy Latner Golf Classic:

Please click here to see Sponsorship Opportunity Details.

Please Provide artwork to by May 5, 2023

Unfortunately, I cannot attend the tournament but please accept my donation.

Something special we should know?  Tell us above.  

Please submit to continue to payment. 


Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785