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The Forest Hill Jewish Centre’s purpose is to nourish individual and communal Jewish connection through Torah learning and the celebration of Jewish life.  The Centre offers the Forest Hill Jewish community and welcomed visitors a warm, vibrant place to enhance their experience of Jewish tradition.



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Today's Calendar

Daf Yomi Class
: 6:00am
: 7:00am
Friday Night Mincha in the Summer (early shabbos)
: 6:54pm
Early Candle Lighting (not before)
: 7:15pm
Candle Lighting
: 8:29pm

Friday Night

Friday Night Mincha in the Summer (early shabbos)
: 6:54pm
Early Candle Lighting (not before)
: 7:15pm
Candle Lighting
: 8:29pm

Shabbos Day

Parshas Class
: 8:30am
: 9:00am
Shabbos Day Mincha
: 8:11pm
: 9:36pm

This week's Torah portion is Parshas Pinchas

Shabbos, Jul 27

Candle Lighting

Friday, Jul 26, 8:29pm


Motzei Shabbos, Jul 27, 9:36pm

Shabbos Mevarchim

Shabbos, Aug 3
View Calendar



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  • 		                                		                                    <a href="/from-the-desk.html?post_id=1002513"
		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Tu Bishvat - Open Your Eyes		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Rabbi Elie Karfunkel		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Friday, Feb 7th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p> </p>

<p>This Monday we celebrate the special Holiday of Tu Bishvat.  Many of our Holidays require a lot of preparation to make happen.   With Tu Bishvat, it’s possible to hold a “Kabbalistic Seder” which has a Pesach feel to it, and it’s also possible to run all around Toronto in search of the most exotic fruit possible; nevertheless, the main part of Tu Bishvat requires one simple activity that we do 28,800...</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/from-the-desk.html?post_id=1002513" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>
  • 		                                		                                    <a href="/from-the-desk.html?post_id=996155"
		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Lessons from The Moon		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Rabbi Mordechai Bookbinder		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Saturday, Feb 1st		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p> </p>

<p>I grew up in a small town, essentially at the base of a ski hill. I can remember spending many Sundays bundling up to go skiing. For the first while, I spent more time getting up off the ground (having fallen down) then actually standing on my skis. It was only through perseverance (and being made fun of by an older sibling) that I was actually able to learn how. </p>

<p>There’s a famous quote from Mishlei (Proverbs)...</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/from-the-desk.html?post_id=996155" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>
  • 		                                		                                    <a href="/from-the-desk.html?post_id=978185"
		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    The Secret Sauce in the Marriage		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Rabbi Elie Karfunkel		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Monday, Jan 27th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p> </p>

<p>One of the many beautiful aspects of my job is that I get to learn with grooms before they get married. The challenge is that most of them don’t appreciate what I have to say because they think the honeymoon phase of their marriage will last forever. The truth is, that with hard work, you <u>can</u> get permanent bliss, but only after years of work. The honeymoon phase is a gift from Hashem to let us know what we can achieve...</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/from-the-desk.html?post_id=978185" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>








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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784